To kick off what we hope will be a long-running monthly feature on our website, our first journal entry will briefly cover the story behind GHOST-SPLY’s beginning.

Collectively, the four brand founders have previous experience in the fashion industry and designing/producing high quality garments. We wanted to take these expertise and create something fresh. To walk a different trail away from the current direction of the fashion industry. This meant a departure from the fast fashion that we feel is fuelling pollution and climate change. Some studies estimate that fashion contributes to around 10% of global carbon emissions, roughly the same amount as the entire European Union. From our quiet corner of this industry, we aim to counteract this with substantial and survivable clothing. So far this has meant supplying you with t-shirts and a hoodie, though this journey will continue with sweatshirts, trousers, and accessories. With each drop, we promise you a high GSM count (Grams per Square Meter). Scale the heights by wearing this long-term, while avoiding the depths of disposability.

This brings us to something else we were keen to depart from. While we all have interests and inspirations in streetwear, taking fashion out of the city is important for us. Our design language takes the tones and touches from streetwear and applies it to the themes and imagery of the outdoors. A secluded sequoia tree standing at 80 metres after 2000 years is just as impressive as a city-centre skyscraper. A rarely-summitted mountain that blends snow and sky through a layer of cloud, is just as imposing as the most ornate and intricately detailed cathedral. You get the point. We have and will take inspiration from nature itself but also humans’ endeavours through nature: hiking/mountaineering culture, activities such as climbing, sailing and skiing, the creation of national parks and so on. Considering the aforementioned points about quality, our clothing is appropriate for these endeavours. The elements of the outdoors deserve our preparation and respect. Do so while wearing GHOST-SPLY.

And why are we called GHOST-SPLY? As our ‘About Us’ page states, we chose this as a reference to the Ghost Gum tree native to the deserts of Central Australia. This specimen is extraordinarily resilient given the unforgiveable environment it is found in. It is the perfect metaphor and namesake for our brand, which we want to apply it to the world of fashion.

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