“Like Man discovering fire” is a simile we’re all familiar with. It is usually used when describing some development or achievement that is so enlightening, that it is comparable to our prehistoric ancestors finally figuring out flame. 

The earliest unequivocal evidence of campfires or more generally, human control of fire, dates back more than 300,000 years. However debated evidence dates back even further to 1.6 million years ago, in the form of some charred antelope bones found in South Africa. The campfire has been a theme of human habitation for hundreds of thousands of years then. However as humans gradually moved indoors, campsites and campfires became recreational. A British tailor named Thomas Hiram Holding is credited as the inventor of the modern recreational campsite in 1857. 

For our first accessory, we wanted to use a design that highlights the impact of the campsite on human culture and utility. Pictured on our sturdy tote bag you’ll find the familiarities of the classic campsite scene. The canvas “wedge” or “A” tent, a felling axe, the campfire, all nestled in tree line and shrubbery. You could imagine seeing this campsite everywhere and nowhere, which leads us on to the phrase we added to the image. “Sometimes the best place to be is nowhere to be found.” In honesty, we are unsure of exactly where this quote originates. But it does not matter. It perfectly encapsulates the allure and appeal of camping in the wilderness, far away from the beaten path. 

And this brings us back to our opener on the history of the campsite and campfire. Both are very human and are ultimate expressions of culture and utility. To sit in a campsite, in front of a fire and look out at the wild, keeps us in-touch with our ancestors. As we continue with design ideas that use outdoor themes, the campsite was the obvious next choice. This coincided with our decision to produce an accessory, rather than a traditional garment. What you use the tote bag for is your choice. Just know that the sizing, strength and substantialness will serve your use well. 

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